Rights out there 2018:
Heroes of LGBTI+ Worldwide

De vierde editie van het reflective storytelling-programma Rights Out There, op 1 augustus 2018 in de Oude Lutherse Kerk, stelt de relatie tussen de internationale LHBTI + gemeenschap en bondgenoten van belangrijke maatschappelijke instellingen centraal. Internationale LGBTI+ activisten en organisaties gaan in gesprek over hun persoonlijke ervaringen met onder andere religieuze leiders, politie en medici.

Rights Out There - Heroes of LGBTI+ Worldwide vindt plaats in het kader van de Pride Amsterdam 2018. De voertaal is Engels.

Activists all over the world engage actively with supportive allies within societal institutions, such as religious leaders, police officers and medics. To fight against discrimination and to push for LGBTI+ acceptance, it is vital for the LGBTI+ community* to seek support from these important allies.

We invite you to our evening of reflective storytelling. Come and listen to personal stories from activists around the world.  Hear about their challenges and achievements, and share your experiences on how you inspired organisations to become active allies.

Speakers and Guests are: moderator Boris Dittrich (Human Rights Watch), sociologist Jan Willem Duyvendak, Dounia Jari (Maruf), Jacq Carver (Global Interfaith Network) and Adriana van Dooijeweert (het Nederlandse College van de Rechten van de Mens); and more then dan 60 activists from all over the world.

Hope to see you Wednesday 1 August; and make sure to bring all your friends!

Rights Out There 2018 - ‘Heroes of LGBTI+ Worldwide’ is organised by de Oude Lutherse Kerk in Amsterdam, in close cooperation with Amnesty International, COC Nederland, Human Rights Watch and Hivos.

(*LGBTI+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, Questioning, Queer)

Datum: Woensdag 1 augustus 2018
Tijd: 20:00 – 21:30 uur (deuren open 19.30 uur), borrel na afloop
Locatie: Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, hoek Spui, Amsterdam
Entree is gratis.

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