Akos Tegez uit het Mission House
stelt zich voor
In september werd een nieuwe groep jongeren, voor een jaar bewoners van het Mission House, ingezegend in de Oude Lutherse Kerk. We zijn blij dat weer een van de jongeren mee wil werken met de Lutherse Diaconie. Akos Tegez uit Budapest, Hongarije doet de komende maanden mee met Kopje Thee plus Zuid.
We vroegen hem zich voor te stellen.
"My name is Ákos Tegez and I’m from Hungary. I finished my high school studies in June, and now I’m in the Mission House. I’m 18 years old and I become 19 in January. In Hungary I lived in Budapest with my father and my brother and sisters. I decided to be here because I didn’t know what I exactly want to do or study in the future. So, I’m hoping this project will help me to find out. I have been here two times and I’m interested in the Dutch culture and language so this is why I wanted to come here. I also have housemates from across Europe, such as France, Germany, England, and Poland, so I can learn about their countries and practice my English too. I’m grateful because I’m sure this voluntary year can help me become closer to God and get to know a lot of interesting people who can share their life stories with me. Finally, the projects of the Mission House are really interesting and if they can’t help me to find out what I would like to do in the future, I’m sure I will get a lot of experiences which will make me a better person.
P.S. I love cycling."
De Diaconie steunt het Mission House met een jaarlijkse gift.